
This article understands the process of casting processing

January 11, 2024

This article understands the process of casting processing

Casting machining is an important area of manufacturing, involving a complex series of steps from design to production. 

This article will introduce the basic process of casting processing and the key steps involved. 

Mold design: The first step in casting processing is to design the mold. The design of the mold requires precise calculations based on the shape and size of the casting to ensure that the final casting meets the design requirements. 

Material preparation: Before castings are processed, suitable metal materials need to be prepared. Metal alloys such as aluminum, iron, steel, and copper are commonly used casting materials. 

Melting: The selected metal material is heated to its melting point in a furnace to form a molten metal state in preparation for subsequent processes. 

Pouring: Molten metal is poured into a pre-prepared mold to form the specific shape of the casting. Cooling: After the metal has cooled and solidified in the mold, the casting is removed and processed. 

Separation: Remove the cooled and solidified casting from the mold, and clean and remove mold residues. 

Surface treatment: Surface treatment of castings, such as grinding, polishing, spraying and other processes, to improve the surface quality and appearance of castings. 

Inspection: Strict quality inspection is carried out on castings to ensure that they meet design requirements and standards. 

In general, casting processing is a complex process that requires strict process control and precise operations. 

Through the introduction of this article, readers can better understand the basic processes and key steps of casting processing, and provide useful reference information for related industries.

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