
Materials commonly used in aluminum castings

April 14, 2023

Materials commonly used in aluminum castings

  1. The quality and performance of castingsIn addition to the casting process is the main factor, the selection of casting materials is also very important, with common aluminum castings to There are four main categories of commonly used materials, which are aluminum-silicon alloy, aluminum-copper alloy, aluminum-magnesium alloy and aluminum-zinc alloy. 

  2.   Al-Si alloy has good casting performance and wear resistance, and the thermal expansion coefficient is small, so it is widely used in the molding process of aluminum castings. The silicon content of this aluminum alloy is 10 % ~ 25 %, and sometimes 0.2 % ~ 0.6 % magnesium silicon aluminum alloy is added, which is widely used in structural parts, such as shell, cylinder, box and frame. Aluminum manufacturers sometimes add an appropriate amount of copper and magnesium to improve the mechanical properties and heat resistance of the alloy. Such alloys are widely used in the manufacture of pistons and other components. 

  3.   The aluminum casting made of aluminum-copper alloy contains copper. The strengthening effect of 4.5 % ~ 5.3 % alloy and the proper addition of manganese and titanium can significantly improve the strength and casting properties at room temperature and high temperature, so it is suitable for the production of large dynamic and static. Sand castings with uncomplicated load and shape. 

  4. The density of aluminum magnesium alloy is relatively small, but its strength is very strong, so it has a good strengthening effect, the aluminum castings made of it have good corrosion resistance in the atmosphere and seawater, and the electric flat car has good comprehensive mechanical properties and machinability at room temperature, which can be used as radar base, aircraft engine casing, propeller, landing gear and other parts, and can also be used as decorative materials. 

  5. Some aluminum castings are made of aluminum-zinc alloy as raw materials. In order to improve the performance, silicon and magnesium are often added. Under casting conditions, the alloy has quenching effect, so it can be used as long as it is heat treated. The castings have high strength and are often used to make models, mold plates and equipment supports. Frame, etc.


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