
The Diverse Applications of Aluminum Alloys

December 20, 2023

Aluminum alloys are widely used in various industries due to their excellent properties, such as good casting performance, wear resistance, low thermal expansion, and high strength. This article will discuss the four main types of aluminum alloys and their specific applications.

1.Aluminum-Silicon Alloy:

Also known as "Silico-Aluminum" or "Silicon-Aluminum", this alloy has the broadest range of applications and is the most commonly used aluminum alloy in casting. It typically contains 10% to 25% silicon. By adding 0.2% to 0.6% magnesium, the mechanical properties and heat resistance of the alloy can be improved. This alloy is widely used in the manufacturing of pistons and other components for aluminum castings, such as casings, cylinder heads, housings, and frames.

2. Aluminum-Copper Alloy:

Containing 4.5% to 5.3% copper, the aluminum-copper alloy exhibits optimal alloy strengthening effects. The addition of manganese and titanium can significantly improve its strength at room and high temperatures, as well as its casting performance. This alloy is primarily used in the production of sand-castings for applications that require high power and static load, with simple shapes.

3. Aluminum-Zinc Alloy:

To enhance performance, aluminum-zinc alloys are often composed of silicon and magnesium elements. It is commonly referred to as "Zinc-Silicon-Aluminum". In a forging environment, the alloy exhibits a self-quenching effect, eliminating the need for heat treatment before use. After heat treatment, the aluminum castings have high strength. Stable processing allows for dimensional stability, making it ideal for manufacturing models, mold plates, and equipment brackets.

4. Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy:

With the lowest density of 2.55 g/cm and the highest strength of 355 MPa, aluminum-magnesium alloy with 12% magnesium content provides the best strengthening effect in casting aluminum alloys. This alloy demonstrates excellent corrosion resistance in both atmospheric and seawater conditions. It also exhibits good overall mechanical properties and machinability at room temperature. Aluminum castings made from this alloy can be used to manufacture radar bases, aircraft engine cases, propellers, landing gears, as well as decorative materials.

Aluminum alloys, including aluminum-silicon, aluminum-copper, aluminum-zinc, and aluminum-magnesium, offer a wide range of applications in various industries. By carefully selecting the alloy composition, the desired mechanical properties, casting performance, and corrosion resistance can be achieved. The versatility and performance of aluminum alloys make them a preferred choice for many manufacturing applications.


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